Sheringham Barclays Closure

Devastating news about Barclays in Sheringham

Late yesterday afternoon I was informed that Barclays in Sheringham is set to close on 15th February 2024. 

I am obviously furious that yet again the banks care so little about our rural communities and have decided to shut the Sheringham branch. I have given my views to try and stop this closure and even more cross that it will be the last Barclays branch in North Norfolk to shut. 

All the normal reasons for closure were given. Declining footfall and changing banking habits. I told Barclays that this is an older resident population with a vibrant trading high street. The closure is simply unwarranted and will be a hammer blow to our community. Many completely rely on the branch.

The only glimmer of positive news is that Barclays will be leaving a bank hub. What they call a ‘Barclays local’ hub. This will be open for 3 days a week for 16.5 hours.

I have this morning emailed the Parish Council and spoken to Mayor Peter Ratcliffe asking that we can form a small subcommittee to work together to find a space in the town for the hub. This has to be a private room, with a nearby waiting area and that is wheelchair accessible. The Holt Barclays hub that I helped secure has been really successful and Barclays pay a decent rent for space.

The Post Office will cover paying money in, withdrawing it and balance checking and I have spoken to Jingen already to tell him what is happening. The local hub will do most other account related transactions, except dealing with cash.

There will still be access to cash at Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Nationwide.

I’ll do all I can to help find a new, good hub space, as we’ve done in Holt and now in Hoveton/Wroxham where their branches shut. I campaign in Parliament for better banking services and more access to hubs all the time, but I am extremely disappointed that yet again there is such a lack of corporate social responsibility from the banks.

To ensure we show our strength of feeling about this, I have started a petition below. Please help me by filling it in and suggesting a good place for the new banking hub if you know of one.

Save Barclays Bank in Sheringham

  • Current Survey Questions
  • Your details
Are you a user of the Barclays (High Street) branch?
If this were to close, would it prove hard for you to access your money or make deposits?
Do you use online banking?
If no, are you able to easily start banking online?
Is travelling to your next nearest Barclays branch achievable?
Are you a business or personal customer or both?
If you are a business customer, can you perform all your needs at the post office?
Would you support the closure of this branch?